Thursday, July 30, 2009

Happy Days, from now on <3

There's been a lot of hate going around on Polyvore. Hate comments, hate accounts, hate sets- you just have to read the title, read the first word, and if it's gonna be mean, don't even READ it. It just makes you feel horrible about yourself. Stick with the positives, know who YOU are, be yourself, have fun in life, and don't even take a second glance at the bad times. People are GOING to hate you in life, they're not all going to love you. Just stick with YOUR life, and realize that they don't know you.
Everyone is going to have opinions about everyone; no matter WHAT you do, there are going to be people who don't like you, who hate you, even, who don't care about you, who think you're stupid, who assume things about you....and there are going to be people who like you. None of them know you, and you've gotta do your best to show them who you are.
This will be my last blog post, because this idea is really...well, there is going to be hate on it no matter what. Hate is everywhere. and everytime you read hate, it just brings you down!