Thursday, July 30, 2009

Happy Days, from now on <3

There's been a lot of hate going around on Polyvore. Hate comments, hate accounts, hate sets- you just have to read the title, read the first word, and if it's gonna be mean, don't even READ it. It just makes you feel horrible about yourself. Stick with the positives, know who YOU are, be yourself, have fun in life, and don't even take a second glance at the bad times. People are GOING to hate you in life, they're not all going to love you. Just stick with YOUR life, and realize that they don't know you.
Everyone is going to have opinions about everyone; no matter WHAT you do, there are going to be people who don't like you, who hate you, even, who don't care about you, who think you're stupid, who assume things about you....and there are going to be people who like you. None of them know you, and you've gotta do your best to show them who you are.
This will be my last blog post, because this idea is really...well, there is going to be hate on it no matter what. Hate is everywhere. and everytime you read hate, it just brings you down!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Alyssa Here. ♥

i LOVE you (: ♥

For those of you on Polyvore:

Don't think for a second leaving polyvore doesn't make me sick to my stomach.
But my parents wanted me off, alrighty?
wasn't my choice at all.
I'm still doing the bloggie with the girls.
Stay tuned (:
im going to make a how-to video.

Haven't seen these yet?
they explain it all.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Hello, * Jasmine ♥

Why, hello there!
You! YES YOU! :O
Mi nombre es Yasmin.
& for those of you who DON'T speak spanish, MY NAME IS JASMINE! (:

i'm having a good overall day today, outside of the freaking computer world. [but that's not the point, here]

Oh, Physics, lovely lovely physics, was ACTUALLY fun today! After the test, me & a couple of my "friends" RAN down to the school store and charged a whole BUNCH of random stuff to our account. I got fruity smelling highlighters, three packs of 99cent tissues, neon notecards, mechanical pencils, spandex, a notebook, tape, & scissors.

my mother is NOT going to be happy when she gets the bill. o.O but that's okay, because we had a BLAST! we made flowers and froggies out of the neon notecards & tape, using the scissors. and we passed them around, because they were like fortune cookies, with cute little sayings inside, like, "You will marry a fat man", or "Big Bird is your MOTHER!"

then, we got out a half hour early, so we just cruised around campus.

now, i'm at grandmothers house, because we're getting our hardwood floors refinished, and our house repainted. it smells like paint fumes, and i think i'm gonna die if i sleep there again. i'm gonna freaking die in my sleep. i have the WORST headache, but that's okay.

Overall, smooth, happy, lalala. Gives me an optimistic attitude while i deal with you guys :P

you guys, you guys, you guys.... i'm going to be silent.


email uss - (:

Friday, July 24, 2009

Cari's First Post ; )

Hey guys!! =) it's Cari! This is our...I think, SECOND post, on our Blogspot! Thank you for reading this if you are <333

Well, first of all, I'm super excited about our blog. I hope you are too! I just wanted to say a few things before we OFFICIALLY get started, posting vids and pics and writing real blogs...

Please DO NOT write anything mean or disrespectful in any comments or messages =( Please don't call us a "clique" or a group determined to rule the (Polyvore) world. Please keep your language clean if you comment. Please do not send us any mean emails. We'll just ignore them. Aaaaaand most importantly, let's all act mature and just have FUN with this! ; ) Yay!

P.S. if you don't have an email, but you want to request a blog topic from us, or if you just don't want us knowing your email, we TOTALLY understand, and feel free to just PM me or the others (if they want you to) and ask!


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hey! Welcome to our Poly-blog!

Hey!! ; )

This is Alyssa, Jasmine, Cari, and ShelleBelle, and we can't WAIT to get started! If you didn't already know, we have created our own blog-ish sort of, type thing, where we'll post anything we can think of that we'd like to share with you!

Stay tuned for tips, blogs, pictures, videos, ideas, contests, & even more fun stuff that we'll put up on here, just for you!

If you have ANY questions at all, or a request of what you want up here, or if you just want to talk, email us at

Love always,
Cari, Alyssa, ShelleBelle, and Jasmine ♥
